Endorsement is the first step to partnership and Stackhouse for Governor is always looking for new partners. We accept both individual and organizational endorsements. If you or your organization is ready to endorse Andre please go to www.publicstackhouse.org/endorse or click the button below.
We are proud to be endorsed by the Green Party of Washington, the largest political party in Washington that refuses all donations from corporations, corporate PACs, and lobbyists donating on behalf of corporate interests.
Thanks to the hard work of the Green Party, Washingtonians have more political choices and a true grassroots alternative to the corporate parties currently elected into state Government.
The Stackhouse for Governor campaign is both endorsed and powered by GoodParty.org, a public benefit company working to empower independent and third party candidates.
Good Party provides the Stackhouse campaign with its voter file, SMS capabilities, and a community of supporters.
Annie Fitzgerald (candidate for WA-38 position 1)
Campaigns endorsed by Andre
Andre also strives to be a movement leader building a broad coalition behind the issues he advocates for. The following are candidates and campaigns that he has formally endorsed and encourages his supporters to look further into. To apply for an endorsement from Andre please go to www.publicstackhouse.org/apply or click the button below.
Yes on I-137
I-137 would establish social housing in Seattle which is an important plank of Andre's housing guarantee.
Whole Washington
Andre's universal healthcare proposal is based on the Washington Health Trust developed by Whole Washington.
Shaun Scott (WA-43)
Shaun is a deeply committed political organizer with excellent policy chops and an amazing platform.
Jason Call (WA-02)
Jason is a tireless political activist with a clear track record on universal healthcare, anti-imperialism, & campaign finance reform.
Kathryn Lewandowski (WA-39)
Kathryn spent decades working as a registered nurse and is one of the most prolific universal healthcare organizers in the country.
Annie Fitzgerald (WA-38)
Annie has an established track record of disability and healthcare activism and is running on many of the same policies as Andre.
Sean Arent Tacoma City Council
Sean has worked as a nuclear weapons abolitionist with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility and is deeply involved with the political community of Tacoma.